Within a few months the European Union can remove sanctions from bloody Ukrainian ex-president

Viktor Yanukovych

Within a few months of European Union sanctions can remove from the Ukrainian ex-president. Since the president, during which the dictatorial laws were adopted, and in the center of Kyiv was shot over a hundred people.

The reason – the slowness of Ukrainian law enforcement. Any sanctions introduced by the EU is term. They administered for 6 months or a year. At the end of the period to renew sanctions by the EU requested information about the real situation. Thus, if in April 2015 will not result in criminal investigations, sanctions Yanukovych and members of his regime may be removed,. Just return the assets in Ukraine Yanukovych regime can only be on the basis of convictions Ukrainian courts.

However, occasionally escape Yanukovych has passed 10 months and still no results. Instead, the Ministry of Justice says that to maintain the sanctions against EU Yanukovych and his ministers Ukraine is ready to provide all necessary materials.

About two months ago fighters “Aydar” blocked the entrances to the so-called “helipad Yanukovych”, which was built in the area of Park Road. They demanded that he transferred to state ownership. Then also learned that the money from renting the facility continues to firm “Amadeus & Co”, which was associated with the former president. While in April opened a criminal case on the illegal issuance of the said permits for construction. Finally, despite the efforts of “Aydar” in early December this year Kyiv District Administrative Court upheld the complex and all the permits for it.

This “family” as company LLC “Prime Leasing” continues to receive orders state enterprises. The last time was in November when Darnitckiy Car Repair Plant (DVRZ), which was already in liquidation, signed with another company mentioned agreement. Recall that said “Prime Leasing” supplied DVRZ cars that produced JSC “Diesel Factory” Leonid Yurushev. This latter courts is unsuccessfully trying to recover from the “padding” debt. Overall “seal” received from the State Administration of Railway Transport structures contracts worth 27 billion USD to supply cars and locomotives.

Alexander Yanukovych

The eldest son of the former president was not afraid of pressure on your business and continued to develop “EBE” long after his father escape. According to MP “Block Poroshenko” Sergei Leshchenko, after escaping his father in May 2014 by unidentified individuals in EBE made $ 40 million in deposits. And round the same amount were made 3-5 million in the same day.

Investigation against Yanukovych’s son had real consequences, so had to go on This artificial steps and enter a temporary administration in EBE. Although the real reason for this was not – the son of the dictator protecting your bank from the problems and wound up there only “clean” assets. Now it may happen that the state represented by the Deposit Insurance Fund will also reimburse ten million depositors EBE.

On the eve of the Interior Ministry closed the case against the Ukrainian bank of the son of President Viktor Yanukovych. The chairman of the Center for Combating Corruption Vitaly Shabunin. This is a matter which concerns getting “EBE” in 2012-2013 “salary projects” Revenue, Ministry of Interior, judicial offices in Kyiv and Donetsk. In the Acts of the bank guards allegedly did not find the offense. In the eve of the Interior Ministry denied that the case is closed, and said that the investigation continues. But still no results.

There is still no information about how the right moves on “Association of Donbass settlement and financial center”, which deals with prosecutors Donetsk region.

Recall that “DRFTS” and affiliated with the company he was the undisputed leader in state-owned coal tenders in recent years. Earnings Association consisted from a state-owned mines supplying various equipment and resale of state coal with a huge margin. Association also suspected of reselling coal pits. In addition, the group “DRFTS” last year skupala mining and processing plants in the Donbas.

Corporation “IACS” Alexander Yanukovych has always denied any involvement in the Association as “DRFTS” and to subsequently created Ltd. “DRFTS.” However, reporters repeatedly proven otherwise.

In June this year, former Attorney General Oleg Mahnitskyy argued that holding “IACS” owned by Alexander Yanukovych, evaded paying taxes on more than 42 million. But still no one heard about the results of the investigation.

Nikolai Azarov

Yet less than a year ago Azarov panic afraid justice and tried to hide from seizure, but the situation has changed. Today Alex Azarov – the son of former Prime Minister Mykola Azarov – almost went out of international sanctions.

According to MP Serhiy Leshchenko, Azarov name listed among those for which sanctions the EU may cancel. In the months subsequent to escape Azarov Ukraine, they have not been given to prosecution in Ukraine.

Earlier runaway former Prime actively withdrew assets from sight pravohorontsiv. Success achieved in family reissued to offshore some Austrian companies. In the spring of 2014 changed the founder of the company “De Sanctis-Invest”. Previously it was owned Austrian company De Sanctis Holding lawyer Liechtenstein Reinhard Proksha known connection with “Mezhyhiria” Viktor Yanukovych and other assets of the previous government. The new owner “De Sanctis-Invest” was from offshore BVI “Karson Business Group”.

The owner majority shareholder “azarivskoyi” insurance company “Amalthea” – LLC “Ekvital.” Previously owned “Ekvitalyu” was the “daughter” of the Austrian company “Garda Handels und Beteiligungs” – LLC “Accord finance”.

The company continues to operate successfully Azarov “Tartus company” that summer of 2011 built warehouse on 10 tons of potatoes in Semipolki Kiev region. Potato composition Azarov successfully operating in 2014. In 2013, “Tartus Company” was indirectly executed on the Cyprus company Staydelor Investments, the ends of which are lost in the exotic offshore.

During the year, the former prime minister and his family purchased a luxury estates in the suburbs, occupied Crimea, Austria and the coast of Italy. One of the estates of former head of the Cabinet bought in suburban cottage “Monolith”. He has designed the residence area of 4000 square meters of his son after the escape of former prime minister from Ukraine. The cost of building at least $ 8 million. In the elite village, where the estate is a private school, kindergarten, church, lake and even individual houses for staff.

Furthermore, Azarov family owns a house in the summer community Chekhov in the exclusive area near the village of Crimea Sanatorium. Real estate in “prime minister” of the family is also in Austria and Italy.

Sergei Kurchenko

His colleague Igor Kolomoisky not give him the descent, but the empire Kharkiv “prodigy” is held, although losing some assets. But most of his offspring like Odessa refinery or media holding UMH are still in his possession, and Kurchenko seems for them going through.

“Regime change in February, and if they were really justified claims by September it would lead to some decisions in the courts. It would be proven damage. It would be some solution of confiscation would be the new owner” – so recently commented situation Kurchenko of its assets in Ukraine.

If not, give in Dnipropetrovsk governor thus the new owner as a result. Without a state of confiscation.

Rumor has it that declared in April in search of a businessman turned on imported fuel market since the new company – its name of “Finanspromhaz.” The newspaper Insider, in the first half of 2014 “Finanspromhaz” in Ukraine has imported 5230 tons of diesel fuel from the Mozyr oil refinery (Belarus). Company also owns the license to supply natural gas through pipelines, serving until May 2017.

Despite EU sanctions Kurchenko business thrives well in Germany. In particular, continues to operate bought last year a group of “SYEPEK” network of gas filling stations Sparschweingas. Opened new refueling, the company even launched a new web site. German police for several months trying to establish a link between the company and Kurchenko Sparschweingas. In addressing offshore “schemes” Sergei Kurchenko not very advanced and Attorney General’s Office.

This spring Kurchenko purchased two Crimean network – “Contemporary”, “Lukoil-Ukraine” and negotiated the purchase of a third – “TPP”. What ended negotiations is unknown. If they run successfully for Kurchenko, he now owns more than 25% of the retail market of petroleum products Crimea.

Yuri Ivanyuschenko

Because of the position of the Prosecutor General EU can lift the sanctions on the other odious businessman – George Ivanyuschenko. Former MP Party of Regions has 10 months check. However, the GPU is not violated any criminal proceedings against Ivanyuschenko, whose only European authorities in Switzerland arrested 32 million dollars and 72 million francs. Moreover, according to the head of the Center for Combating Corruption Vitali Shabunina, gave an official response GPU same Ivanyuschenko that any proceedings against him is not.

Odessa market “Seventh kilometer” continues to work on the structure of the former MP. With the new power driven increased its market share to 56% of the shares. Recall to the presidency of Viktor Yanukovych owners “market Promtovarny” (the market “Seventh kilometer”) were four people. And in 2010, under pressure from John Abram, who is called “smotryaschym” Ivanyuschenko in the Odessa region, the founders of market rewritten, and formally presented the first 25% of the market offshore company Parroks Corporation Limited, which is owned by the son of MP Arsen Ivanyuschenko.

In November 2014 relating to “regional” -vtikachem company tried to sue the state nearly 140 million. Company Ivanyuschenko sued by so-called “green” investments or “Kyoto” money.

Firms that “sprayed” means in the interests of “Family”, more than two dozen. And five of them now suing for millions shortfall – “stack”, “Avalon,” “Intertehenerho”, “Union 2007” and “Karpatybudinvest. The last officially belongs to Yuri Ivanyuschenko, others are designed for dummies. As for” Intertehnerho “then journalists also showed that this company had the representatives of the “Freedom”.

In fact, the said company requiring funds for works that have not been executed or under-executed.

In April this year, Luhansk Oblast Economic Court approved the rehabilitation plan of the state enterprise “Lugansk Mechanical Repair Plant”, whereby the structure “Yura Yenakiyevo” have complete control over it.

Andriy Klyuyev

Even after the annexation of the Crimea and the escape from Ukraine Andriy Klyuyev his company will continue to be promoted “green” tariff. Many facilities remained in the territory of Crimea, and therefore are not part of the energy system of the country. Compensation is not paid for them. However, about half of the “solar” power Klyueva located in the “mainland”. They work and receive compensation from the “Energy Market” on high “green” tariff. According to the EP, from the beginning of 2014, this amount exaggerated 3 billion USD.

Just as from Yanukovych, but already a few months the European Union can remove sanctions Klyueva. Due to inactivity Prosecution “green” businessman had every chance to withdraw its European assets from the EU sanctions through the courts. At least, according to November Ukrainian security agencies did not report suspected Kliuiev. The assets of 18 former officials of the former government were actually frozen EU “in advance” – Ukraine has yet to provide evidence of their crimes EU. Currently, according to the UE, the GPU has announced Kliuiev suspicion.

In August “Turboatom” signed a contract from JSC Artemivskiy plant processing non-ferrous metals “for supply pipes to 47.14 million.” Artem plant processing non-ferrous metals in the supply pipes’ is JSC “Ukrpodshipnik” (49.45%) and Austrian citizens Vadim and Artem Shpakovsky. Corporation “Ukrpodshipnik” established to Andrei and Sergei Klyuyev.

Edward Stavytskyy

In early December Kyiv Economic Court of Appeal took the arrest from property of “Golden Derrick” control is trying to turn the state-owned company NAK “Nadra Ukraine”. Thus, in 2012-2013 the former management NAK “Nadra Ukraine” sold the company “Golden Derrick” 20 Million particles in three associations that produce gas in one of the largest deposits of Ukraine – Sakhalin. This just two years, “Golden Derrick” was able to earn about 120 million. Finally, after the judgment was appealed and the agreement on the purchase and sale of the shares of another instance court invalidated. Superchky courts continue. Now, perhaps, it will try to take advantage of Igor Kolomoisky.

As you know, control of “Golden Derrick” by Cyprus “Hartloh Limited” carry out the former government ministers Mykola Azarov – Edward Stavytskyy, recently acquired Israeli citizenship and a new name – Rosenberg, former head of the Agriculture Ministry Mykola Prysyazhnyuk and Yuri Ivanyuschenko.

Kolomoysky still playing Stavisky in the conflict over “Ukrnaftoburinnya.” Thus, in December the Supreme Economic Court rejected the company Deripon Commercial group from Dnipropetrovsk Governor Igor Kolomoisky in restoring property rights to 44.999% of the shares of JSC “Ukrnaftoburinnya.”

The company Kolomoisky argues that sold shares under pressure and the extremely unfavorable conditions. The main argument – the shares were sold for only 133 thousand UAH, while their market value amounted to 265 million USD. But the courts now consider unfounded allegations of harassment on the part of government.

Company “Avantage Energy” and “Slobidnafta” associated with former Minister Edward Stavisky, November 12, won the competition from permits to develop two promising deposits of oil and gas. Thus, November 12, State Service of Geology and mineral resources held auction of permits for mining. Among other things put up for sale two promising deposits of oil and gas – Bilychivsku area in the Poltava region and Losyschynsku area in Sumy. They competed for only two of Kiev – “Avantage Energy” and “Slobidnafta.” They divided the two areas together, winning by one.

In November, the Kyiv Court of Appeals ordered the “Ukrgasdobycha” pass TOVtsi “Favourite Systems” 94.56 million cubic meters of natural gas, 1149 tons and 9407 tons of gas condensate. “Ukrgasdobycha” must pass these hydrocarbons company under a contract of cooperation. One of the founders said, Ltd is a person who is a partner of the indirect parent of former Energy Minister Edward Stavisky-Rosenberg.

Law enforcement officers still have not found the foreign accounts of former minister Edward Stavisky or members of his family. Before the new year the GPU reported that only preparing for the announcement Stavisky in the international search for a new name Rosenberg. On the eve of Ukrainian Interpol Bureau confirmed that Stavytskyy hiding in Yizrayili, which changed its name to Edward Rosenberg and received a passport of the country.

Serhiy Arbuzov

In May 2014 the wife of former First Deputy Prime Minister Sergei Arbuzov tried to remove one of Ukrainian banks USD 50 million in cash. Operation was carried out through an agent. Then the State Service for Financial Monitoring blocked this operation.

More recently rocked society story about the arrest from removing accounts and property Sergei Arbuzov and his wife. The decision on 21 November, the judge ruled Kyiv Pechersk District Court while considering an attorney Arbuzov. Reason formal – supposedly official, who fled after the Maidan was not officially notified of the suspicion of a crime. Three days later, at the request of the GPU Pechersk court again seized the accounts of the family of former Deputy Prime Minister. However, with the right to appeal the decision within 5 days, allowing Arbuzov withdraw money – until the entry into force of the second decision. In SCFM assured that none from the hryvnia Arbuzov accounts written off was not – the money was locked.

Nikolai Prysyazhnyuk

Former agriculture minister is also trying to keep up. While he fought for the deposit from the already mentioned “Golden Derrick” as one of the owners of the company, his family won public tenders. In particular, the company “Trans St. Line”, which belongs nephew Prisyazhnyuka – Roman Simonov, won the tender in August “UZ” for the supply of wood. The contract amount – 23.3 million. Overall former agricultural minister behaves modest compared to other members of the “family” clan.

Overall, the list is not all “pillars” Yanukovych regime. Less active during this period were the representatives of the clan “Family” as a former head of the Interior Ministry Vitaly Zahrachenko or former head Goszemagentstva Sergei Timchenko. Information of winning the post-revolutionary Ukraine absent.

As the former head Mindohodiv Alexander Klimenko, he hyperactive social networks, where from time to time “exposing” some transactions the new Ukrainian government.

Now he seeks to protect agricultural assets brother particular company “Chumaky” to which people cast an eye of the same irrepressible Igor Kolomoisky. Enterprise is the “Yunison Group”, which is associated with the brother of former taxman – Anton Klimenko.

Does anyone still believe in Ukraine Dignity Revolution ended in victory for the people of Ukraine. As you can see, nothing has changed, some fraudsters continue to rob us, while others cover their guise of democratic slogans.

Need to prepare for continuation of the revolution!


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