Yatsenyuk continues to reveal himself as the agent Kolomoiskiy

Prime Minister Yatsenyuk blocking a resolution of the Cabinet, which takes oligarch Igor Kolomoisky right understate the price of oil.

This writes the network MFP faction Sergei Leshchenko.

“Yatsenyuk continues to reveal himself as the agent Kolomoiskiy. The goal – to stop the new rules under which” Ukrnafta “no longer have a 15 percent discount on the starting price at auction for the sale of oil,” – says Leshchenko.

As you know, the Cabinet on Wednesday approved a resolution that this discount was shot.

“Remarks to the resolution was not in any of the ministers, including the Minister of Justice Pavel Petrenko,” said the deputy.

However, according to Leshenko, on Friday night to the Ministry of Fuel and Energy of the Ministry of Justice came remark – which effectively block the preparation of documents for signature Yatsenyuk.

“And the cynicism that blocking a backstage mode decision in public plane Yatsenyuk continues piarytysya and requires … as soon as possible to give him a document for signature,” – said the deputy.

“Almost simultaneously with the comments of the Ministry of Justice, at 18:01 (!) On the website of the Cabinet came a message, which requires Yatsenyuk” issue in accordance with regulatory requirements and promptly submit the signature head of the government “because” in the Cabinet Office as of January 23 evening properly prepared draft resolution currently no “- wrote Leshchenko.

“It is not perhaps for the evening January 23 under the control of the Ministry of Justice Yatsenyuk made objections to the decision. For what’s it? That on January 31, scheduled auction” Ukrnafta “gave oil companies Kolomoiskiy 15-percent discount. The” sale “plans to put 500 thousand tons, saving for Kolomoiskiy – about 22 million dollars. that is almost half a billion hryvnia! But you say that the state has no money for schoolchildren breakfast?” – he resents.

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