Corrupt politicians Ukraine enhance people’s anger and push for a new Ukrainian revolution

December 27 daughter of former Ukraine Prime Minister Yulia Tymoshenko’s 34-year-old Eugenia married businessman Arthur Chechetkin 32 years. Wedding walked in sports “Olympic” in the center of Kyiv. Rented hall “Olympic courtyard” area of 901 square meters and paid about 50 thousand UAH.

– All cases postponed to today go to the exhibition, and you have not let – in the afternoon at the entrance to the “Olympic” indignant two women looking 60 years.

They came to the exhibition fur and light industrial products. After her wedding Eugenia Tymoshenko was closed without notice. Also, do not let the guards to museums and achievements Klitschko brothers “Dynamo Kyiv”.

– Money robbed in Ukrainian – now fat. The country war, and they organize feasts – says the woman.

A few minutes before entering a black jeep stops. This produces two tall man in black coat. The guard crosses arms in front of them – shows something can not pass.

– We are office rent, come to work – says bald man with glasses. – Just want to pick up the documents.

– I do not care – guard closes the gate in front of them. He says through the bars on the fence. – I was told not to miss anyone.

Men stagnation in front, calling. Sit in the car ride away.

– Earlier in the weekend “Olympic” is full of people came – says the guard. – This is the first time the territory was closed. For the money people are willing to fulfill every whim.

Enter the “Olympic yard” decorated with beige draped fabrics. On both sides there are two half-meter vase with pink and white flowers. Between them – man and woman sculpture in white marble. From the metro in front povisili Olympic 3-meter banner with white cloth. To protect visitors from prying eyes.

– The room is decorated in Italian style – says the driver of a white van. I brought bags of food ice. – Inside the walls hung decorative banners to simulate bricklaying and arched windows. Hall decorated with flowers.

Around 14.00 the feast attracts artists. The guard asks to show documents to verify their surnames on the list.

– Guests are not too many will – says. – Someone started a rumor that thousands will come. No, will be much less.

Artists usually refuse to communicate.

– We ensemble “Kyiv Camerata” – says an elderly man in a black leather sheepskin coat. – Will play classical music. And then – a few rooms for the young. During their first dance will vikonuvatysya.

About 16.00 approaching guests on expensive cars, “Mercedes”, “Toyota”. Many machines have numbers Verkhovna Rada and Dnipropetrovsk, where parents were born Eugenia. Handrails on the stairs under light two dozen candles.

The columns at the entrance are highlighted in blue.

– Came to congratulate Tymoshenko’s daughter, but probably will not work – says 63-year-old from Kiev Valentin Borisovich. – When Carr came on, went to Vydubitsky monastery. People were full. All it could look. And this time around and not allowed. Probably worried that not jinxed.

At the wedding of 200 guests visited the circle. They were entertained by singer Tina Karol and Italian Ingrid.

Eugenia Tymoshenko and Arthur Chechetkin met the summer of 2010 at a party to celebrate the opening night club in Odessa resort area Arcadia.

Odessa – Arthur hometown. His father – Leonid had business there – built and sold real estate. In 1995, due to a conflict with racketeering moved the family to relatives in New York. Arthur has Chechetkin Real estate company there. Said start-up capital for business received from his father. In his name registered seven apartments in New York.

Before Arthur started dating the daughter of Tymoshenko in Odessa had the collector company – says her former pratsivnitsya. – Personally, we did not know it. Came, transferring money to pay and all. The latter had to pay claim.

About the novel Arthur and Eugenia principles say in 2012, when Chechetkin was accompanied by Tymoshenko’s trips abroad. For him, this marriage – first. Daughter of ex-premier in 2005 married a British rock musician Sean Carr, who is now 46 years old. In 2012, they divorced. After the division of joint property received Eugene restaurant in Kiev and a half building in Dnipropetrovsk. Returned to her maiden name – said.

In August the year before Sean Carr married 32-year-old British Mary Hill.

63 thousand UAH spent Eugenia Tymoshenko to celebrate the 30th anniversary of Arthur Chechetkin in August of 2012. For party leased ship in Kyiv.

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