Need Help 20-year-old Eugene Rudenko, who lost his right hand

20-year-old Eugene Rudenko hit on APC and lost his right hand in the Luhansk region Novoydarom. Now soldier treated in Kharkiv hospital. At the prosthesis and rehabilitation must collect 50 thousand euros. This PravdaUA told family guy.

Eugene Kang city of Cherkasy region. In the army he served under contract in 80-th separate brigade assault landing in Lviv. Two months later he was sent to the zone ATO. He served under Debaltseve and near Sand in Donetsk airport. When militants shelled checkpoint near Novoaydara, APC, which drove Eugene with three companions, was hit by enemy fire. With the crew survived only Eugene. He saved the guys who stood next to checkpoints.

The family learned of the injured boy just two days. A soldier did not tell family not to worry.

“Eugene lost a lot of blood and about an hour lying unconscious on the ground until it is found. Do we want to deal in Kharkiv. However, it requires a special German prosthesis cost 50 euros. And for his purchase money we do not” – says sister Svetlana fighter.

“I have always supported his son to become a military solution. Gene true patriot in me, these have yet to search. Do not smoke, play sports, knows English well, has a photographic memory. We are proud that we have such a son” – said Yuri Rudenko, Father Eugene.

For courage and bravery Eugene awarded a commemorative medal “For voyinsku valor.” A soldier said that if it were not injured, returned to the East again. He is now learning to write with his left hand, since all life was right-handed. Helps a foot when running on the computer. In the future, wants to become a journalist.

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